Our SkyVision product website for walk-on skylights, where you can find comprehensive data

as well as current photos of the GLASOLUX walk-on floor glazing in one place has been relaunched. Click here for information on the full SkyVision series:

Please click the right or left arrow on the first photo!

Our latest product: WALK-ON FREE

A flat roof skylight that can be freely designed in any shape, be it trapezoidal, rhombic, semi-circular or anything else. It can be combined in modules, either with other WALK-ON FREE modules or as an end module for the LINEAR WALK-ON continuous rooflight, thus offering infinite variety in room and lighting design. Click here for comprehensive information on the SkyVision flat roof skylights:

LINEAR WALK-ON – the walk-on continuous rooflight

LINEAR WALK-ON is the ideal product for anyone who wants large walk-on glazed areas. The modular design makes it possible to create a skywalk that is virtually endless.

WALK-ONs on roof terraces or basement ceilings provide daylight without reducing the accessible space.

With a load-bearing capacity of 500 kg/m², both “newcomers”, just like our other walk-on skylights, are extremely resilient, no matter whether as an uninsulated, double or triple glazed skylight. The surface area of each individual module can be as large as 4 m².